Top 6 Happy Food
I come back (again) with some cheerful subject this time. Fooood !!!
There are so many things out there to eat, so many compositions which can make you good, bad or whatever. But let’s see what can make you happy.
A top 6 food which can make you happier if you can believe is right here.
That’s right. Calcium and Vitamin D can make you stress free consumed on a daily basis, of course. You can take your portion by 1-2 glass of fresh milk/day.
2. SPINACH or maybe Popey is not a mith ?
This veggie contains enough iron to make us look better and feel good. Try not over boil or cook to maintain the properties.
Not all kind of fat is bad for us. For instance Omega 3 the fatty acid is exactly that kind of fat we need for a healthy lifestyle. So a diet with salmon even 2-3 times/week is exactly proper for our stress free purpose.
You heard me right. Don’t believe me ? Watch Italians, how exuberant they are and maybe you make some connection. Indeed, carbohydrates are good if consumed in reasonable quantities. Like everything in life, in reasonable quantities nothing can hurt you. Consume pasta to feel better. And if you are over stressed about calories now you can choose easily the integral bread or pasta.
Good for a movie or reading. Makes some noise and mess but it’s fun, and not ultimately is healthy, makes you happier. Did you experienced that after 10 minutes cracking ? Do you know why ? The magic word is Selenium, substance contained in this seeds and known for it’s magic quick power to make us feel better almost instantly. And don’t forget about the great balance between fibers and proteins in this seeds. But don’t get overwhelmed though, too much can make you fat. So enjoy your movie, or may post why not.
You don’t like soy ? Why ? Try to combine it with something you like and experience the difference. For those who love tofu good news. Great protein balance, no fat or cholesterol. Just try to check the labels and avoid using the genetically modified soybeans.
Cheers !
The Movie "Home"
Super Size Me
Enjoy …
The next video completes very well the other one End Game but this one starts with religion then goes to the big plot.
In the next articles the food industry is on my list and juicy videos will terrify you. So stay tuned !
Since all videos listed in this “Open Your Eyes Series” are full versions you need to invest time to watch them. Do it ! Prepare your schedule and instead of some TV shows or similar good to brainwash you spend that time here on this videos.
You have both versions of Zeitgeist, the original one (first) and the second edition.
Zeitgeist I
Zeigeist II
Global enslavement. A small but powerful group of people will determine our future ?
Worldwide customs - Japan
Japanese people are known to live in overpopulated cities and the concept of a chain society comes from them. This means that every Japanese will learn to become dependent by the other society members, even in the childhood when they keep their children with them in the same room until they are 2-3 years old.
Japan prisoner of its own language ?
The language is also different and like Benjamin Whorf who emitted a theory about languages, every culture or country is influenced after the characteristics of its own language. So the Japanese is considered as ambiguous, letting free spaces to interpretations and with impersonal verbs, when long impersonal phrases are followed by the main proposition. A very unique thing is about taking and giving a message, if anyone refuses to transmit a message even if it’s a secretary than it’s a Japanese. The same secretary will tell you to call the person back to hear the message instead of just transmitting it to you. This because it’s so easy to interpret wrong a message that no one wants to be blamed by transmitting wrong anything. Their language is really a barrier even between them not to mention with others. So learning another language it’s a real challenged since the entire model is so different. That’s why Japanese understands just partly a foreign language including English and this for us could seem unbelievable but for them is normal. How to solve such a unique problem ? Very hard to say, but for sure knowing it will give you an extra effort to assure you understood each other.
Things to know in business meetings
So we have a powerful conditioning environment for our Japanese business partner. Having such a different language the process of translation in their mind from any other language is very complicated and even stressful.
First meeting
Keeping in mind the infos above we can understand why the first meeting or bringing a new person to a second meeting is not a pleasant thing for a Japanese. In their own environment they already know who is who, how to talk and treat any person from the chain, so a new person it’ a challenge. Same goes with the normal American behavior when everyone is so opened and comes for a handshake, this stresses the Japanese terrible if he was not presented properly to the new person.
Same goes whit decisions since in a chain society the group decision is very important.
Going back to meetings, exchange of business cards it’s a good start but still not enough information for the normal Japanese.
To understand better let’s see a comparison between how a Japanese and an American presents himself:
“American: I am John Smith managing partner to Hixxxx Comp.
Japanese: Within the Xxxx company, department of foreign relations, the GM assistant I am Yamamoto.”
Going to a meeting in Japan the business man can be welcomed by a huge group where he needs to presents himself to everyone of them, which is annoying for the occidental but for the Japanese it’s necessary.
Same goes with decisions, the typical American representatives want quick decisions and often they push the negotiation process, but a Japanese can’t do that and if it’s forced will retreat silently from any further negotiation. If you compromise yourself to a meeting you won’t gain nothing and very likely you won’t see that person again. Every discussion must start with an introduction where the values of what you want to present are described. Jumping to the point of the meeting will be seen like disrespectful and will be refused. This is the most important thing to know in negotiations, they negotiate as well but in a different manner where politeness and courtesy is very important. They will respect more the fidelity to a company than efficiency of the person.
Be aware about the “no” word. Like in the countries discussed before we find the similitude here as well. They will never say no to you even if they refuse the offer. But you will know that by never seeing the person in charge again after that meeting.
If you have a first meeting with a manager in Japan don’t be surprised if he will close his eyes and listen to you for the first 10 minutes until you present yourself.
Negotiation characteristics
Japanese negotiate in teams and every team member has a different specialty.
But the team can grow or become more diversified in time because they prefer to involve more and more company members to know you and take part of the final decision.
Your first contact from a company will be always present to the next meetings.
The main leader will be present and lead the strategies but unlikely will be the main participant in communication where the other players will put questions inside their expertise area. The meaning of the questions is related to information not decisions. They will put all the information together and decide with the company, not just that team, and not on the first meeting, possibly not on the second.
The flexibility is very limited and changes are hard to be made since the team represents a company strategy which can’t be changed before another meeting with the “head”.
Keeping in mind the language barrier same issues can be discussed many times to assure them the real meaning, this can be confusing for both parts, hard to know if you get the message exactly.
But all this long process is meant to cover everything correctly and create a long term relationship in business. They are not interested in short term visions. They want to stick with their partners many years to come.
Anyway after the decision made the action time is completely different, here they expect quick actions and they will do the same, being harsh with delays.
If everything goes well they are willing to make changes from their original plans, but just in case you were polite, respectful, protocol keeper and patient. Harmony is a main word. So it’s not everything about logic and statistics, it’s also about sympathy and emotional acceptance.
Better product with higher productivity. This is what’s important, that’s why they were silent when many companies accused them by stealing their products and remade them cheaper and better. Japanese consider that it’s just a waste of time to invest money in new inventions if they can take what it’s on the market and just make it better afterwards. Some people considered them with inferiority complex. Actually is the opposite since they have some racist behavior about Afro Americans and Indians.
Short briefing about what to do for a successful meeting
Be well dressed in a conservatory way (black, grey, white); be ultra-polite; bow to show your respect especially to the chief; apologize a lot for things you never made; be kind and serious; avoid jokes which no one will understand anyway; be well prepared to illustrate your company and the representatives of the company; adulate them as much as you can; be quite instead of saying no; be patient and avoid being too direct; repeat many times the important points of the meeting to be well understood; how you represent yourself is more important then what you are saying.
February Carnivals
Which one to choose in case we decide to take part of something glamorous ? Well for sure it’s a preference thing because the 2 Carnivals are different like fire and ice. Let’s watch 2 representative videos and choose together.
Rio Carnival
Venice Carnival
Part 1 (I just love this mystical and also detailed presentation)
Part 2
Well ?
Valentine's Day
It All Started With A Matchmaking Saint...
The Catholic Church recognizes at least three martyred saints called Valentine or Valentinus. The legend most attributed to the holiday, though, is about a man executed by the Roman Emperor Claudius for marrying people clandestinely. The legend further states that Valentine sent the first, well, Valentine—a note to the daughter of his jailer, with whom he was besotted. This, if it occurred, was around 270 AD.
Some scholars conjecture that our current timing for celebrating St. Valentine's Day (mid-February) is a holdover from a Roman fertility celebration that culminated in singles randomly being paired off. Like an Italian key party.
The bones of someone presumed to be St. Valentine were given to an Irish church by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836. You can see the casket any Valentine's Day at Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Whitefriar Street in Dublin. Meanwhile the oldest-known Valentine in existence—sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife after his capture during the Battle of Agincourt—is on display in the British Museum.
The Valentine's Day that we celebrate probably kicked off in Great Britain in the 1600s. And Americans probably got into it around the 18th- Century. The first cards to be mass-produced in the US were created by Esther Howland in 1840. This earned her the moniker Mother of the Valentine. She should be called the Mother of Hallmark.
How We Celebrate Today
The Greeting Card Association estimates that 1 billion cards are sent annually. Hallmark claims that 50% of its V-Day cards are bought in the 6 days preceding Feb 14th. 180 million roses were purchased for Valentine's Day in 2005 and accounted for 34% of the annual sales dollars. $2.4 billion was spent on jewelry in February 2005, presumably largely for Valentine's Day. And sadly 15% of flowers are self-sent.
And for some fun
The red wine and the duck fat makes you healthy ?
Eat duck but even better eat the fat of the duck and drink a glass of red wine for a healthier lifestyle ? What ? Am I crazy you could ask. Well, I am not and I will tell you why.
It’s actually a beautiful tale. Somewhere in the beautiful France, more precisely where the Three Musketeers were sharing a bottle of wine in the Gascony Region , situated in the south west, people eat duck and goose fat like cereals and they are proud of their national product Foie Gras. Ah and next to their meal they share a glass of French red wine to be even more satisfied about their delicious food. Why they do that (sounds insane) and why should you care about what others are doing ? Maybe because the same people who eat more fat than anyplace else live longer and their rate to die from a heart attack is 80 to 100 000 compared to 315 in US or 145 in other places in France.
I hope I captured your attention because it’s more. Fact is they know a secret and are happy to share it with the rest of us. It’s called the French Paradox but actually it’s not so much a paradox if you can explain it with science and this is what doctors in the region try to do.
To cut the long story, duck and goose fat has a good balance between the principle fat types, has a more appropriate combination for human body, meaning is compatible and easy to process. It’s like olive oil, really. It’s not that we can’t eat fat or that vegetal fat is healthier than animal one. It’s all about the composition of that fat meaning its quality. And here comes the duck. In Gascony, duck is eaten completely and used wisely to prepare the best recipes which won’t hurt your heart.
Ok, for such a discovery many doctors started polemics, being hard to admit that is really a connection between eating this kind of fat instead of other makes you healthier. But the local doctors know that this fat doesn’t increase cholesterol like all other fat and they suspect is even something more than that. Who knows, maybe it’s the way they’re cooking the ducks and gooses or because they combine the food with red wine. There are surely some interesting facts to consider and try like an option. Labeling Foie Gras like health food would be for sure a revolutionary and amazing success.
Really the whole craziness about this fat lately is under many disputes because it’s hard to see the exact magic formula. And I’m asking myself why they don’t associate this kind of “fatty” lifestyle with their wine drinking since it’s obvious that the French prefers wine more than other nation and people from Gascony are no exception. They study the effects on the heart from the fat perspective, but I would go on both together. That’s why I combined this article. But I come back to wine later.
Now about this duck fat it’s important to know that Gascony region is known like being truly environment friendly with a long agricultural history, with rights for animals and using natural methods to raise their birds. And this is maybe one of the most important aspect if you ask me. When we humans will understand that pumping food with hormones and other artificial chemicals will just make us weak, ill and mentally down ? I hardly wait to finish my article about general health and especially about overweight to share all the infos I got. These Gascon farmers have also lawyers specialized in animal rights who militate against force-feeding to fatten the livers for just a bigger quantity of bad quality Foie Gras.
But what for others is something weird or hard to believe for a normal Gascon farmer is the obvious. This farmer will just say simply:
"The people in my family live to be 90 years old," he said. "We cook everything in duck fat. We have foie gras on Sunday. Everybody knows this is the long-life diet."
Other locals were equally surprised that such common knowledge could be a marketing tool. "Scientists say we should be dead by 40 because we eat duck and liver and salt and wine," said Bernard Verduzan, 87, as he laid out his fattened livers at the foie gras market in Eauze in southwest France recently. "And then they say it is big news when they read the obituaries in the newspaper and see how long we live." Straightening his shoulders and puffing out his chest, he said, "I am still young."
Robert Jacquerez, 95, who dines daily at the Hotel de France in Auch, contends that the key is balance. "Always have a salad with your cassoulet, bread with your foie gras," he said. "Always drink as much mineral water as wine." His eyes dropped to the menu of the hotel, where Andre Daguin, the chef and owner, is renowned for creating entire meals of foie gras and has earned two Michelin stars for his rich regional fare. Instead of describing the various preparations, the menu simply states, "The fat of birds may be good for health." Quotes from The New York Times
So the simple people mention the wine ? And we’re talking about the red wine which by the way it’s included in the famous “Mediterranean diet”. But who are the most famous nation for its red wine and also for its consume ? You’ve got it ! France including “our ” Gascony part. And it’s says that Cabernet is the best. But don’t worry because specialists from France affirm that red wine is healthy all over the world if it’s produced same old way with oak barrel and all that.
I’ve promised myself to try reducing the length of my articles but please stay a little bit more to finish.
So about the red wine many of us heard that's why I won’t develop. But here is the thing, both duck or goose fat and red wine (1 glass not more/day) seem to have positive effect on heart diseases. So would be really interesting for this 2 to be studied together to see if the Paradox of Gascony is not really related to both together. The fact we have so far is that people here use them both, a lot. And it’s also a fact that everything tried kept naturally will give invaluable benefits for anything regarding your physical and mental health together.
Other sources here and here
Worldwide customs - Hong Kong (supplement to China)
The fact that Hong Kong became a colony had no bad effect on China in general, on the contrary because created the perfect connection between China and the occidental world and a perfect backup for relations with Taiwan and South Korea.
Anyway the reintegration process can’t be too easy when China and Hong Kong don’t share so many things in mentality and communication. Hong Kong is more US then China style, the rush, the rhythm to create more and more new business possibilities makes Chinese living in Hong Kong different. Taking these facts we can admire China’s approach to not try to interfere and change too much Hong Kong, showing a wise decisions for a place which really works well.
How to interact with Chinese living in Hong Kong? It’s actually easy, they are opened, like Americans and British people, easy to adjust to new and are less superstitious.
The Hong Kong Chinese is cosmopolitan so rules are more relaxed compared to the rest of China. Still similarity regarding etiquette, meetings, dinner exists. So if you know already Chinese customs, using them you will be welcomed here as well. In business meetings you will feel more personal touch in discussion and no need to feel embarrassment since they just want to establish a more complex relationship with you and know you better, although a long standing personal relationship is not required but appreciated. Will be much easier the meeting here because they are used to treat constantly people from all over world. It’s good to maintain silence time to time since it’s considered a form of communication so if your host becomes silent respect it and don’t rush to interrupt. They are like all Chinese regarding the “no” word, they don’t like it and rarely use to avoid offense or confrontation.
Normal meeting and negotiating rules from all over China applies here, so you can keep them. Some extra info would be that appointments here need to be made 1-2 month before the meeting. For all Chinese the New Year is important so better don’t set any meetings around that time. Contract signings and other important dates are many times set after Astrology dates or Feng Shui so don’t be surprised. Don’t forget to use your title in presentation and on your business card because of their hierarchism.
- Use both hands to receive or give a gift.
- Take care of anything implying numbers: 4 is forbidden and 8 rules.
- Don’t use just any colors: red and gold are considered lucky colors, but never red flowers.
- No to: red and white flowers; cutting utensils; clocks; handkerchiefs or straw sandals; white, blue or black wrap paper; green hats for children.
- Gifts won’t be opened when received and many times accepted just after 1 or 2 refusals.
Good luck !
Worldwide customs - China – Understanding Chinese people
Let’s try to see now who a normal Chinese really is. For 2 millennium China was an isolated super country ruling all over its neighbourhood and asking for tribute including from Japan. Such a long history and power mentality makes even today any Chinese to feel proud and superior to any other country. For Chinese we, the rest of us are just some inferior specie, corrupted, disloyal and inconstant. So they could really just smile at us and tolerate whatever we do since we can’t more.
Beware that such a strong belief is not easy to change so it’s better for you to know and respect this about them. It is a big deal to consider yourself this way and for me it’s an invaluable information to know whenever I have or will have a contact with any Chinese.
It’s not that they can’t see value in others, they do but regarding spirituality and morals they believe are the best. But alike Russia and Muslims (although they never liked or respected Russia) they combine a form of moral equity with tuff critic for occidental countries. They see now how countries which jubilated in so many fields before are in decline now and how they lost their shine.
- modesty
- tolerance
- providence
- amiability
- filial piety
- patience and respect for old people
- tenacity, self sacrifice, trustfulness
- kindness, moderation, patriotism, harmony, diligence
- generosity, respect for hierarchy, education, opposition for corruption,
- adaptability, sense of duty, prideful
- friendship, kindness, undemanding,
- gratitude for favors,
- wisdom, impartiality, purity.
How to compete with that ?
A helper element could be that they believe in Confucianism, meaning – the good of the nation is determined on unequal relationships, it’s the only way to maintain order and long term stability. The family represents the best this prototype, it’s about the whole group (family members) never just 1. Same rule applies in society, school, career, everywhere. You need to respect your bosses, your family and society, respect titles and education, treat fair everybody and humiliate no one. Keep a balance in everything, be calm and avoid any kind of excesses. They are influenced by many things: nature, Taoism, Feng Shui, Buddhism, Chinese Astrology, Acupuncture, Phytotherapy and if all this seam for some superstition for Chinese is a lifestyle.
A Chinese will be always a group member, not 1 but 4: job, family, school and community and will always need to handle all. So you can deduct that any decision for them it’s never something to take over night, it’s something very complicated especially if it’s about changes. If an American failed in 1 city can move in another and start over, but a Chinese will feel the consequences very hard inside the community and his reputation will be damaged in all 4 fields. “Every person means a lot for many.” And every person needs to help the society exactly in the same manner like the society helps that person. So a homeless for example has no rights since doesn’t bring his own contribution to the society.
They will always prefer etiquette and formal events even if they are dressed more casual.
Respect hierarchy when sitting to a table (or better respect it always). The oldest one needs to be treated with special respect, even if it’s not the main character in the “game”.
Exchange visit cards.
Vice-president or adjuncts are mostly those who take the decisions.
They hardly will say “no” to you but they will start to talk about difficulties.
The big decision comes after meetings since meetings are considered having informational and briefing purposes.
Meetings are long or very long and very polite, never with confrontations.
You will hear “we” or “us” more than “I”.
No one will assume alone any kind of responsibility since is a group ideology.
They want long term relationships and a meeting has the purpose to evaluate the reliability of the partner like a long termed one.
No rush, no hurry, step by step moves are followed and determine everyone’s role in the business. They prefer more days for negotiation, the typical American rush is something they don’t like at all.
You need to be patient and set up a real trustful relationship to have success.
They know their market and will fix the prices according to that.
If the answers (who, what, when, how) were answered you can rely on them.
The host will invite you probably to dinner, usually 2 hours long, finished when the host will make the first move. Taste all the dishes but never empty your plate (you will offence your host). In rest it’s very easy, Chinese are known how messy they are at the table so if you know how to eat with sticks, never use hands and don’t try to pay the bill before your host offered first than you are set.
Chinese are punctual or even come 15 minutes before the meeting starts so don’t be late. Also they inform you about their leaving when the meeting starts, never in the final moments like in other cultures. They prolong their leaving on the street and many times accompany you part of the way. If you have a meeting with an official than set it 1-2 weeks in advance, with a manager you need just 1-2 days in advance.
They love gifts and usually the value of the gift represents the favor asked for it.
Be always respectful, don’t hurry and keep modesty all the time. If you talk Chinese this will be a huge advantage, at least try a couple of words.
Good luck !
Read also: Worldwide customs – India – Learn negotiating like and Indian ! or Worldwide customs – Quick guide to prevent mistakes – Asia (I)
Worldwide customs – India – Learn negotiating like an indian !
India continues its way to become a global superpower, we can’t just ignore that. Nowadays the balance in this world is really shaky and I don’t know who could predict exactly which countries will take advantages or better said are most prepaired to handle the reality. India is one of the options.
Like I promised this time I will talk about Indian customs and especially what you should know about their native negotiation and sales techniques.
Indians have a unique and special culture. Communication is more open with them compared to Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. They are very active, used in crowds so intimacy is not something usual. That’s why they respect groups like family. They don’t have any problems showing their emotions, good or bad doesn’t matter. Success in business, creativity, technology and any kind of innovations are respected, they are willing to protect their own kinds and the reputation of their group or family always. Innovation is very important in their culture since competition makes any business old in 2 -3 years. So without innovation a normal business becomes easy target to be erased by concurrence. Even marriages are many times arranged for their business success and prosperity. The honesty is not such a value if you can achieve your goals, if you steal someone else’s fruits it’s noble as if you grow them yourself. They are fatalist and believe in destiny so this can make them risk takers also. They embrace failures seeing it like experience which makes them a powerful nation. Feel sort of rivalry with Chinese especially when they work overbroad and I can really understand that since China and India are competing for the first positions like future superpowers.
The English influence can be remarked in any area of life. Family tradition and hierarchy it’s showed everywhere, in family business the older son rarely can choose his own career, he needs to continue the family business or big storms can invade inside the peaceful family life. They see time as cycle and believe in reincarnation, so time keeping is also something relative. Women usually listen to men. They prefer compliments instead of critics since bad things are usually seen as karmic factors.
When you talk to them be correct, fluid, humble and respectful. They tend to be good listeners and love pomposity in vocabulary. Did you know that Indians hate to say “no” to any business proposal ?
And know let’s learn something from them like one of the best negotiators. Negotiation is their powerful tool and can be a big disappointment if you refuse to negotiate in the first place. They will let the money issues at last after all the other details were settled. Don’t think you will win a negotiation with an Indian easily, be patient before you go to “battle”. Better develop the relationship first and try to know them, rarely Asians make quick decisions.
Indians are flexible and accept to loose for now if the long time perspective is favorable, they think that in any business someone needs to loose and someone to win.
How they do it ?
Let’s see some valuable tips in negotiations. The list below is one of their negotiating method in sales presented in expressions they use, especially when comes about big business proposals. These can be generalized in other kind of transactions and create sort of an image about their "knack".
1. I don’t have any intention to sell.
2. I am not interested in money.
3. This is the most important business field my family has.
4. I don’t want to sell but if I would change my mind you would be the first to know.
5. If I should sell I have no idea about the real value of my business.
6. If it’s about to sell my business I would orientate myself about similar transaction made in the past.
7. When A sold X to B made a good deal.
8. Maybe I would love to sell to you but my family will never accept.
9. I heard your price but I really feel I need to leave this room.
10. I need to tell you honestly I have someone else who offered more than you did.
11. I don’t expect you to pay more than them but at least to offer the same price.
12. I am willing to close this deal with you not with them since I promised you.
13. I know that this price it’s not exactly according to the profit of my business but how could you evaluate a business which own x % of that specific market ?
Rules to keep in mind:
- offer on one item at a time;
- the true price for any item is what you pay for it;
- don’t accept less than 30 % off but try 70 %;
- say “too high” a lot, at least 2 times the salesman needs to lower his price;
- make them show you a lot of merchandise
- wait for the pad of paper – when they start to use it than think it’s just the first step;
- now you can imply a bundled purchase – after you reached your 30 % off you can expect another 5% off for any extra item, around 50 % off you can be satisfied.
! But if the Indian is smiling when you leave he won.
Sure there are many other strategies so be aware, it’s never easy. But keep in mind that they always have something prepared even if you don’t think they have.
Good luck !
P.S. If is any Indian around here and wants to share some extra tips with us I would be glad to hear them.
Worldwide customs - Quick guide to prevent mistakes - Asia (I)
I will dedicate some space to share with you worldwide customs, helpful for anyone who wants to go abroad or wants to settle a business. Since business meetings are an actual interests today and many of them take place abroad I will focus on tips concerning this matter, but not only. I’ve split my article by continents to can be followed easily. Writing just a phrase about a country to make the article short it’s just not my style, you can’t learn too much this way. In my first post I open the knowledge about Asian countries mentioning that countries like India, China and Japan (in this order) will have their individual post with specific negotiation techniques and methods. It was hard to figure out how to split all the info I wanna share with you, so I’m hoping I found the best way.
Note: if I let out some of the countries on the way please forgive me, I tried my own interest list. If you want countries not showed on the list please make a request and I promise to include it in future post. Also this will be my last post for a couple of days since I’m gonne travel starting tomorrow.
Koreans are very competitive and they hardly accept the second place so will always try to negotiate extra advantages, they are very agile and like to promise what you wanna hear which not always becomes reality. If they want to let you out from the business they will use any methods to create that business environment which makes you to retreat. The conversations are very dynamic and when they talk about serious matters became also very serious with some dark humor spread around. They know how to listen but can give the impression that they already know what you want to say. They love long time exclusivity, but they won’t stick to that contract if find something better. When they want to buy - the most important issue is the money; if they sell than the quality of the products depends on other bigger contracts which they could have. So it’s not the easiest to have Korean business partners. All this because history showed them just the first place is acceptable, second place means loosing.
Koreans are very traditionalists. Don’t like to be touched, in business meetings could handshake you + make a bow, but that’s it. The older person will make the presentations, first this is the custom. Punctuality is not the main issue like with Chinese or Japanese. They use titles instead of names so don’t call them on their first name.
Eating habits: they like to serve their guests, they sip the soup and belch after eating sign that the food was good.
Never make comparisons between them and Chinese and especially not with Japanese. Listen to them, embrace their thoughts, make jokes when you can but always be firm since they don’t respect weak people.
Here depends whom you’re talking to, the population is very divers so need to know where that person belongs. Singapore has many Chinese influences for instance. It’s indicated not to mention religion since it’s a sensitive issue and you could find yourself in a huge polemic. Always is good to show you are equal to them and give respect to what they achieved in their economy and social status. Be wise and disciplined, extravagance is not seen nicely here. It’s good to learn some words in their language: Chinese Mandarin, Malay and Tamin.
They respect hierarchy and calm people. Don’t be too direct if you can hurt the person. They are in majority Buddhist and respect this way of life. If you are angry try to not show it. They don’t show their personal problems or just a little of them and use smile to hide their problems. The good image and sometimes hypocrisy is accepted. They don’t like changes and competition, prefer to work a little for small money instead a lot for big money. Business is good to discus after working hours and don’t take decisions or make contracts on the first day, try to develop slowly a good relationship first. Giggles show many times that they hide something or want to ask for more. They don’t like to put anyone in a bad situation so the decisions are made accordingly.
Important: be social, nice, slow, insist on their independency, learn some elements about Buddhism, respect monarchy, time is cycle and be decently dressed.
They are really different compared to any East Asian country. More opened, accept foreigners and act like Latinos, especially when they are talking. They are very independent but respect also hierarchy depending on age, family status and position, also study level. Latin style is also showed in their time keeping, it’s good to ask what they meant when set up a meeting, Philippians time or American time, if it’s Philippians then 1-2 hours more it’s acceptable. Also they prefer to let things on the next day. Many of them talks English, the Philippines has the second-largest English speaking population in the world. Love to talk a lot and keep long sessions, but they are not so exuberant like Latinos. They can also listen well. Love warm hearted but modest people. They like to be respected and especially after their age and status – keep this in meetings. More personal issues can be discussed and they will listen. Since fatalism is between their beliefs many times you will hear the expression “bahala na” (whatever will be will be). If they lower their head the answer will be mostly “no”, if they say yes they could thing negatively about the issue involved. If they raise their heads and eyebrows on the other hand they mean yes. Love to party, music, dance and eat well, men call waiters with “ssss” and women use their fan. Don’t be critic about their government, religion, bureaucracy. Accept gifts and flowers but usually they refuse 2 times before accepting any gift. Be compassionate, interested in how they are and show respect to titles and status. Show also professionalism because they expect that from strangers.
They believe in heredity and feudal hierarchy. They work usually in groups but they don’t like touches too much. Prefer doing things the next day also. They are more expansive than Chinese, Koreans or Japanese and still believe in communication. The southern ones are more opened and honest. They love poetry. They have many French influences, love frankness in the discussion having good communication skills. They have a tendency to be suspicious to any stranger at first, including Chinese and Japanese, although they are polite they won’t let too much from them. They prefer ASEAN members like a contra choice for the Chinese power. They respect age as well like most of Asian countries. They have a heavy history and you need to keep this in mind, they are proud and don’t like to be humiliated of any kind. Reputation and respect are keywords. They know when it’s time to give up so be fair with them and they will show a good common sense.
The biggest Islamic country formed by 13 000 islands. It’s a very poor country but with many values, here women are differently treated alike in most of the Islamic countries, have freedom and rights. Here the family is the most important thing. Although they accept polygamy rarely will use it. They are friendly and hospitable. They are not interested too much in status, money or profit. Like we saw before hierarchy is important here as well. Common goals in groups have much bigger value than individual ones. Age, work history and military rang creates their status. Punctuality is not so important here, 1-2 hours in plus it’s acceptable since they perceive the time like something extensible. They avoid conflicts in any discussion, talk a lot like many Asians but on a low tone without showing their emotions too much. They tend to tell you what you want to hear even if they don’t know the answer. They will never tell you if they didn’t understood your proposals. A normal discussion could be very long and boring but for them is normal. Need to keep in mind that everything needs time and is negotiable. They are very opened touching others unlike to any other Asian country, but respect the head area. That’s why they won’t raise their heads over a superior one keeping it inclined many times. Be nicely dressed and more traditional. Don’t keep your hands on your hip since this means aggressiveness. They use always the right hand or both to give or receive something. Like any Muslim they don’t eat pork, don’t drink alcohol. Don’t be too personal.
Eating habits: never eat everything from your plate. Respect them and don’t talk about sensitive issues like religion or corruption, even if they accept bribe.
The second islamic country of Asia. Family again is a very important issue, everything is around that and they encourage long term and stable family relationships. Love for children is something very powerfull. Respect, politeness and kindness are a must. A person who make many compromises in his life is most respected. They don’t care too much becoming rich, in the past malaysina peasant were prohibited to have fortunes. They are fatalist accrding to their religion and believe that every person is from essence good. They are motivated to finish the job than having money. They believe in their superior and don’t expect promotions, when they deserve it are sure the boss will take care of them. In any business meeting they prefer ierachi delimitations and kind salutation. They will use both hands and the handshake is kind – after they bring their hands to their heart sign of respect “ I salut you from all my heart”
The women use "salaam salutation" inclining to earth level. They never use the index to show something, rather they use the big finger with all the rest closed. They are enthusiastic about industrial and technological developments, especially the young ones.
- the family is always important;
- no direct confrontation, harmony is always good for business and personal life;
- the society is based on hierarchy, age, years worked in that business, culture;
- good manners, respect, protocol and etiquette is always a must;
- every discussion is full of different subjects to avoid direct confrontations;
- compromising reputation is very serious issue;
- working in groups is always better than individual goals.
- Muslims are not so interested in moneys and high goals;
- they have their Muslim believes and habits: no pork, no alcohol;
- Muslims are less punctual than Chinese, Japanese, Koreans.
Now for the final let’s learn with fun. A short caricature tale about an Indonesian in America, to see better the differences. Instead of the Indonesian could be another Asian but let’s stick to our first version.
An Indonesian goes in America to negotiate a business and arrives directly from the airport to a dinner meeting, completely big headed after the flight. Recovering from a tuff handshake needs to drink some Martini, than red wine (against his will), eat a huge steak and go to bed. Next morning our Indonesian has a huge hangover but he respects the ridiculously fixed meeting at 9 o’clock. Another handshakes from some huge Americans and in 2 minutes, next to a Starbucks tasteless coffee served in plastic cup he founds himself in the middle of the business negotiation and he’s called on his first name, what a manner. His carefully prepared 10 minute speech which meant to relax the atmosphere and make both parts feel better become history. The whole meeting is too short and aggressive for his style and needs to answer many times with “yes” and “no” before his pencils had time to arrive on the table. The Americans just continue on and on with some weird demonstrative positions with crossed legs showing him their shoe sole. When he refuses politely according to his style some of the Americans proposal, with half his mouth open they take it as a yes and continue with more proposals. Sometimes they behave with him very tuff, than suddenly very kindly, changing their tactics all over again making him stare and swallow. For him they seem attacking a lot than making quick concessions every time they were caught in their way. For him this shows they don’t care about their reputation. Finally when he starts to wake up, his mind is full of thoughts and questions about where the h… did he arrived exactly.
Did you know ? - Interesting facts about our times.
- a new immortal specie of medusa ( Turritopsis Nutricula) originally from the carabeans can grow youg again after every cycle of reproduction and matturitty; these species start to invade our oceans since they don’t die;
- we could have a very orriginal based fuel in the future – the germ fuel – the gearms responsible of eating our leftovers from the garbage can generatte metan gas and hydrogen which burned can provide electricity or fuel for our cars;
- water pomp fueled by children created energy: a merry-go-round called Playpump connected to a water pomp can extract from the earth 1400 l of water per hour if the children are in action – this is a great solution for 3rd world countries and not only – now is already in use in 1000 schools around South Africa;
- new + cheap + ecologic = light bulb with 60 years potential functionality was invented by Cambridge scientists – costs 2,88 euro (around 4 $) – this ingenious light bulb can reduce your energy costs with 75 % (3 times more efficient than the actual energy savers) – we can expect them on the shelves in 2 years (first in England);
- the well known dung beetle (Deltochilum valgum) once known for his excrement eating ways now become a full time predator eating especially live or dead millipedes;
- the Wilkins glacier which once was 16.000 sqm large now it’s about to detach. Now is big as Connecticut or Jamaica and scientists expect to detach any moment;
- Alberta and California University says that our sport abilities are directly proportional with the length of our fingers, so it’s influenced implicitly by pregnancy.
- if you place a brick inside your toilet reservoir you reduce the consume between 15-40 % (around 2 liters per splashing);
- if you wash your own dishes and give your dishwasher a rest you reduce the consume with 37 % per year, an if you don’t let the water running continually when washing dishes or your car you could save up to 68000 l per year.
- a PC let overnight consumes like a laser printer when printing 800 A4 pages;
- 1 energy saver light bulb in every household from Great Britain could save enough energy to supply 3 million households for 1 year;
- your washing machine consumes with 1/3 less if washes with 40 degrees instead of 60;
- your mobile charger consumes 50 % electricity on nothing if you let it plugged when you’re not charging your phone.
- a normal car produces 3 tones of carbon dioxide per year;
- in heavy traffic inside your car is 2-3 times more pollution then outside.
Top Tips to be Fresh In The Morning
You feel like you got hit by a truck ?
You look in the mirror and you have a puffy you ?
You just refuse to wake up ?
You have a hangover ?
Find out what are the reasons behind these questions and what can you do about it.
The thing is in the morning you need to change your “sleepy” mood to “sober” mood. It is indeed a transition and you should see it like this. There are many factors which can help your mornings. Also are different types of tiredness: could be something usual for you, or just after a party, or when you slept less than usual, or because of insomnias. First need to analyze which is really your case. We won’t discuss now about serious illnesses which can produce bad mornings, but about a generally healthy person who has this problem. After we identify the aspects involved we can start to see the solutions. Always for a better wakening you need to see the whole image, usual habits, day before, bedtime and morning behaviours.
I won’t tell you do all things I suggest below, but more is better, so try to choose what you can keep on a longer term. Every little change, kept for some time makes the difference. And like I keep on saying in my posts - experience, play with techniques, change them to be suited for you, some small efforts can make you find the best way to be fit and fresh in the morning. Remember – it’s your way not others, your own recipe !
In the morning
Get some cool air if you can, this refreshes you and it’s good for your lungs same as for your skin.
Don’t drink coffee every morning, at least try, we get used to caffeine and the effect goes away in time. Keep coffee when you really need it and try to not drink more than 200-300 ml per day. More will raise your blood pressure, raise your pulse and gives insomnia.
Drink water, this will activate your metabolism making it ready for the day. You can put a spoon of honey or lemon juice inside for detoxification.
Exercise, at least 10 minutes to remind your body that it’s the awakening time and need to get fresh. Plus your body will become more fit every day.
Eat cereals, this helps to provide the necessary elements for a good day. If not cereals than some other light breakfast, a healthy breakfast helps to have more energy during the day. You can cut your other meals, but not the breakfast even if you are not hungry. Just a small bite, ok ? Really it’s scientifically proven that who eats cereals for breakfast has a lower cortisol hormone level (cortisol being known also like the stress-hormone).
Get up straight away, don’t put your sneezer over and over again, this helps the body to react more promptly.
Get motivated, think about something really good you could do that day, or thing about any other thing which makes you happy.
Put some music, any kind of music you like but preferably with some more rhythm. This will help you always to get a better mood, why not using it in the morning ? Because you are so depressed to do it ? Exactly that’s why.
Our body needs a balance to work properly and same goes with sleeping hours, try to keep same hours for your sleep. Identify how many hours you really need, could be 6, 7, 8 or 9 in usual cases. When you have the best time than insert them in your 24 hours schedule and try to stick with that rhythm.
When you sleep you need comfort in every way, make yourself feel good in bed, don’t use any synthetic materials, adjust the temperature in the room, not too hot, not too cold, better more cold than hot. Let your windows slightly opened. In the night we intoxicate our room with our breathing literally, so a good ventilation will provide the necessary oxygen.
Maybe you need to change your bed: noisy mattress, too used mattress with shapes, both are indicators it’s time to buy a new one.
Take a hot bath before you go to bed, with bubbles and whatever you can find, music, candles, everything what makes you dream.
Don’t go upset in bed, do anything you can but until your head is on the pillow release your anger, stress or problems. Relaxation techniques, yoga could help.
Empty your bladder before going to bed, interruptions in the night will take good part of your quality sleep time.
Silence – this is very important for a good sleep, silence inside our brains and outside. Don’t think and don’t hear nothing. I know it’s hard, especially in the big cities to have silence. And ups, I also indicated open windows. But you could start to use earplugs, if you need to hear some noises you can get also special earplugs which isolates just some noises. First nights maybe it’s unusual until you get used to have something in your ears, but you will feel the benefits. Your snoring partner could also convince you to try them.
Darkness – any kind of light can distract you, use curtains, window shutter, panels or sleep mask to keep out the light.
Night before
Don’t drink coffee, wine or eat chocolate. All this are stimulants and won’t let you have a good sleep. A glass of warm milk can be a good alternative before going to bed.
If you were partying and drinking alcohol, having a hangover next day, than you should know this tips: drink water or fruits juices between your alcohol glasses, morning hangover is produced mostly by dehydration, so drink a glass of water to every 1 or 2 alcoholic drink. Try to drink 1 glass of alcohol per hour, this is the usual time for our body to handle 1 glass. Don’t mix medicine with you drink, even Aspirin or Tylenol can amplify your hangover and will slower down the elimination, don’t mentioning about the extra work our liver has.
Let at least 2 hours between your last meal and your bed time.
Everyday tips !
Massage – helps not just for your sleep, but also straightens your body, helps your circulation and relaxes you. If not 1/week then at least 1/month, shouldn’t be so hard. Massage stimulates serotonin and dopamine hormones which have effect on our happy and relaxed mood.
Drink a lot of water.
Eating habits - Eat fruits like: yoghurt, carrots, broccoli, juicy fruits (grapefruit, orange, peach). Eat fibers like cereals and apples. Never eat until you explode, eat many times but small portions, this stimulates you body to process easily anything you eat. Omega-3 fatty acids – not only helps your skin and beauty but makes your brain function better, makes you more active and regulates your blood pressure. You can find Omega 3 in : oily fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna; cabbage , soy, nuts, spinach.
Also the absence of ca, mg, flour can give insomnia.
Beauty tips for beautifull mornings
Use your natural oil from the nose and chin area and spread it over your face and wrinkle areas. It’s natural oil produced by your body and it’s precious. Then wash your face with cold water – old trick but efficient, what maybe you didn’t know is to let the water evaporate alone, without using a towel, eventually just cotton balls. Don’t wash your face with soap, use just water.
Take a morning shower, not too hot, and if you can alternate hot-cold-hot-cold, finishing with cold water, especially on your feats. This helps your circulation a lot.
Milk: wet 2 cotton balls in milk and apply them on your eyes for 15 minutes. The milk proteins help to hydrate your skin and let that puffy look go away.
Inox spoons – keep 2 of them in the fridge for all times and use them directly from the fridge on your eyes with their concave face and moving them slowly up and down, right-left for 5 minutes. Pinch rhythmically your face with your fingers to train your muscles and bring blood in your cheeks, giving a natural blush as well. Same way, you can bite slightly your lips to bring more color and make them look more peachy.
Don’t worry, here’s a trick to make your hair look like is freshly washed.
Wet cotton balls in alcohol and rub your scalp for 4-5 minutes than brush your hair from back to front. See the difference.
Curiosities: You sleep more, you loose more pounds. Cherie Calbom, author of “Sleep Away the Pounds” says that a person who sleeps less then indicated influences that persons weights even if keeps a strict regime. Bad sleep brings endocrine system malfunction with hormone disbalance, especially fluctuation of insulin resulting in huge hunger and bad sugar metabolism. Cortisol level is pumped up and like we learned above this produces stress but also helps fat to be deposited in the body, especially around our waist.
Now you have an extra motivation to find your own "recipe" for better mornings.
What would you do if you could change your life cycles ? Would you do it ?
Cycles are here, they form big part of our lives, some are created by us, some by society we are live in. Annual cycles, monthly cycles, temperature, season cycles all this are relevant to us. In sstrology every Planet has its own cycle.
But focus on our life, we have holidays around the same dates, we start going to school in the same time, we have weekends, birthdays, events, + anything you can think off. Cycles will let an impact every time that particular time comes again. So if you don’t like Mondays for instance and every time you put more energy in these feelings than if some day you will have free Mondays the feeling of that day will remain and you won’t enjoy it.
If you try to dig inside your life more you will discover a huge list of cycles and if you go deeper you will see connections even between your health and periods of the year, months or days.
In fact, cycles gave birth to the notion of karma. It’s not hard to evaluate the repetition of your thoughts, actions and feelings in same occasions. This creates your individuality after all, makes you unique. You should know that hard situations which you never finished or handled will come back again and again with more intensity every time, and you will just say: “This can’t happen again with me!”. Sure it can since you have to solve some older matters. Do you want to change all this ? Guess what ? You must create another kind of cyclicity, this time the one you want, the cycle of success for example.
Some people fall from a small hollow inside a chasm. Others go better and better and every time they start something comes out good. Things are working in the same manner for all of us, but since most of the people are focusing in what not to do and how bad is their life, others more open minded focus exactly on what they want, without taking steps back or sidewise. And this energy, because everything is energy, will materialize in that final desire. So if you are persistent in something (truly, not just on the surface), than events, people, everything around you will create a favorable environment to bring that desired thing to you and will bring back also old events, peoples which are similar or connected to your desire, with much more power every time. If you were thinking to someone who you didn’t saw for a long time and that person just contacts you, don’t believe is a coincidence, there is no such thing. Everything has a purpose, even chaos has its purpose and well determined role. It’s all about the law of attraction. You will get what you attract.
Changing old habits it’s not always easy but if your determination is big then you have the winning card. Take baby steps to achieve your goals, every baby step gathered will create a new life for you. See the whole picture, not the frustration of those little steps which apparently don’t guide you anywhere. Set up a limit, for example 3 months of baby steps, and don’t analyze a thing until you don’t reach the last day of these 3 months. Just do it ! Experience, play with your life and cycles, anything just don’t give up. Sometimes if you change one single element in your chain the whole result will change.
Predictions 2009 - Follow up part II (last 6 signs)
Home and family: the new location of Pluto in Capricorn disturbs Libras as well, they will feel a long period of transformations, emotional involvement and tension around their home, properties, family and parents. The situation will become harder starting with November. Libra women with kids will start to spend more time with them and take quick action if anything happens. It’s an active year for all Libras.
Love and couples: very nice aspects for Libras, love, romance, passion, attractiveness, all the package included. This year you will want to focus on yourself and find your happiness and personal interest so your eyes will be wide open. Also the taste for flirts, having affairs will be more powerful then usual. Also helps that you will irradiate good vibes around which will be noticed by the opposite gender. This emotional volcano will create a good environment for many things like: nostalgia, separation and new love, unclear or unfinished situations, some frustration, old relationships coming back to life, reconciliations. Anyway you will give a lot of attention to this aspect of your life and couples issues will be in your front focus. This tends to be a longer period between February 3rd and June 6th but you will feel it during July and August as well. The hottest month will be May. Attention to all Libra women – you have a high level of fertility during 2009.
Health: you need to take care of your health, especially with old illnesses which you neglected so far. New problems could be most likely psychosomatic disorders. This because Saturn in Virgo makes you to face your weaknesses, fears, anxieties, dependencies. Be more vigilant in March and April.
Career and money: the best word to describe this sector for 2009 is “contradiction”. March and April are months to watch most. Also in the firsts months you will have opportunities to sign new contracts and start new collaborations which tend to be good for you but need supervision. Anyway contradiction will be present like I said because a part of you wants to do nothing and isolate, another part wants to risk without thinking to much. Well this year is not indicated to not think, for anyone. What should be the best advice? Do what you really love to do, where you have vocation; since inspiration, creativity and talent are the best cards of this year to succeed in any career. Make the right changes in your career or you can be forced to do it during summer.
Home and family: everything seems ok for you here, nothing major to worry about. Investments for the house or real estates seem attractive to you and being a Scorpio this is always a major preoccupation. Just don’t forget the general tendency this year - to take more care than usual and try to be more realistic than before. Your parents and relatives are on your side this year helping you a lot, maybe your family will grow. Preoccupations with your kids are still in focus and the most agitated period is between March and April.
Love and couples: very nice aspects here also especially between April 10th – August 1st with the maximum in June. You will experience deep feelings and need for your love life and the perspectives are good, if you are alone it’s a good time to find a true partner. In June all this could go out of your control, inner passion, need to love and be loved, everything else tending to go in the background but you have Saturn here so the danger is limited. And it’s not finished, between November 8th and December 2nd you will feel another episode of emotional torments but this time in a more gently way, when romance, seduction and tenderness is more appreciated.
Health: just keep track on your excesses, first half of the year seems to be more trouble, you have a big appetite for sweeties, so take care of your blood sugar level. Medical problems could occur like: renal disorders, gynecologic problems, dermatologic signs and bad venous circulation.
Career and money: between February and May you are preoccupied about your working environment, about your determination and even comfort at work. It’s a good period to balance all this and make some changes to fit your needs, otherwise you will experiment stress. Between October 16th and June 2010 your career sector becomes turbulent and it’s for your best interest to take some measurements to fortify your position diplomatically and carefully. On the other hand your money issues finally will get better, you had a big and long transit holding you back for many years, this will be over this year and your finances will get back on track. But this year is risky for everyone to jump in any kind of investments, especially be more prudent in July and August.
Home and family: it’s not exactly peaceful since Uranus doesn’t alowe you yet a happy quite family life. Asks for changes, new stuff but comes Saturn and doesn’t allow it. So you can feel vexed. The most vicious months are March, April and September.
Good news came from relationships with your relatives, especially with brothers or sisters. Neighbors are also good helpers.
Love and couples: magic year for you, many aspects which indicate a hunger for romance and mysterious relationships. You become like a knight who designs mystical romances with many unknown aspects about your partner. You prefer to imagine all the good things about your partner and miss the flaws. Just take care not to be taken as a full. You are extremely gallant starting with February already, but the maximum romance desire you will experience during April and May. July, September and December are also good months. Starting with second half of October your sexual appetite and desire for adventure will grow suddenly. Sagittarius women will learn to respect more their partners and could start to make big plans in the fall. Those who are single will experiment lot of things and could start a new relationship.
Health: depends if you are sick or healthy. In the first case you need to respect your medications precisely plus rest more and make some order in your lifestyle. Second category will pass 2009 without major problems. But 2009 brings stress and a lot of action which can make you tired.
Career and money: like I said before 2009 needs a lot of energy and effort. Ambitions are big so they need to be accompanied with a lot of work. Since 2008 your responsibilities grew so now you have to manage all this. The good thing is that you have the chance this year to show your potential to others and create a respected and serious image about yourself. If you manage all this stress, the results will stay next to you for a long time, so it worth it. What you need is just discipline and law keeping. Financially it’s pretty much the same thing, but you can earn big money. Only take care how you administrate them because the money could just disappear easily or you won’t manage to handle them properly.
For the Sagittarius students his year it’s not so hard, they have the chance to consolidate their made choices and see the first results.
Home and family: warm family environment for you in this first half of the year, you will feel your family closer and this will make you happy. Sometimes these relationships can become moody but tell me in which family are not. Since everything is so nice you will want to make some changes so it’s likely to buy new art pieces or something to make your home nicer, maybe even redecorate. Maximum for these activities seems to be May.
Love and couples: your senses are very sharp now, everything around you can be detected more easily; if your relationship doesn’t work you will feel it harder, if everything is ok you will need some more salt and pepper. You want everything or nothing, compromises are not your desired choice this year. Capricorn women will be also more active than usual, this time don’t want to wait patiently for things to happen, they will act to achieve what they want, all they gave during the years (like love) they want now to be reciprocal. During the summer women will become more and more willing to act, night will represent the best time to release any inhibitions; in the fall important decisions are expected related to their partner. All this predicts changes and unexpected events. Started already in January but will be another maximum point in June-July and also in September-October.
Health: psychosomatic manifestations are very alike to occur because of frustrations and anxieties you feel more heavily now. Same like with Cancer you need more relaxation making place for your hobbies, sports, art, yoga or qigong. Take care with driving your car and keep it in shape to prevent unwanted incidents.
Career and money: you enter in a long 15 years period when money, power, ambition and control will rule. But in 2009 are the first steps oriented on study, consolidation of what you know, powering your place and status. Do this because you will be tested about it around October. Money tends to come in your direction this year, you have nice aspects which represents that. All you have to do is to manage it well, same indication like for everyone in the year of the ox, cheats, scams, risky business and questionable partnerships are the only jeopardizing factors. So be aware about what you will do with the money or you will feel the consequences at the end of this year and first months of 2010. Especially Capricorn women tend to let this year others to take care of their money something new for any Capricorn. Be aware it’s not the best things to do.
Home and family: the traditional household issues are on second place this year for you. You prefer to go out, travel, take your kids with you but don’t stay too much at home. Your kids are also very free this year, if they don’t travel with you they could move in another city and they will be lucky in their studies. Brothers, sisters, neighbors are more close to you, in case you lost their track than big possibilities to see each other again.
Love and couples: you have a general optimistic and cheerful year so you can feel the same in your love life. Your seductive mood will be combined with desire for adventure, electrifying emotions and sexuality. You can loose your rational thinking so be aware to not find yourself married in Las Vegas after you drugged yourself heavily one night before. Rational mind need to take action and supervise what you are willing to do, just like this you can escape from some really big trouble. Aquarius women are even luckier this year, things go on the right way in many directions. In the fall use a little bit more your natural communication talent to solve many things.
Health: everything goes so well for you even here. The only indications are just about excesses, you feel so good you want to take more, even when it comes to food, so if you eat too many cookies and fat you will see the results in front of your mirror.
Career and money: again and again, good things for you, pretty much like with your love life. Career and money tend to not make any problems if you don’t become greedy and too enthusiastic to see the whole picture. Money will come and help you with your loans, use them for what you need and don’t make big investments, especially not in March, April or September.
Home and family: you are free to do whatever, no special indications for you here. Just some intensive and stressful activities in May - June and some surprises from your kids in January (too late) and July.
Love and couples: couples are tested this year, weaknesses, not handled issues are all forced to be solved somehow. If the couple resists the tests and solve their problems than a new solid start will come. You need to evaluate not just your partner but also yourself, what is your part in this relationship, what is his/her part. You need to evaluate yourself more and accept your parts. Don’t become too critical, find more reasonable approaches. Single Pisces have their chances to experience different partners to find out what they really want. Romance is not too representative this year, so Pisces will look more after comfort and material status to feel secure. Anyway for female Pisces many things can involve travels with their partner or alone. Relationships with others can be distant until October.
Health: not the most desirable one, your level of energy and physical condition keeps small periods of time and you need to recharge your powers more often than usual. Train your body more often to resist this vulnerable times. Health issues could occur during the last trimester of this year.
Career and money: you have some tuff years behind you, now it’s time to become more practical and relaxed. Find your priorities and change everything around you to feel more comfortable and familiar in your work area. If you have many collaborations you could select the more suited ones and let go the rest. You have nice perspectives in front of you, closer every day since around 2010 and during that year you will see many fruits of your work. So now it’s the time for the first actions, consolidate what you achieved and design everything how you want it to be. Focus on ambience and security issues, keep in mind working happy and practically. Money will come to you, first half of this year especially but also later. The way money comes could be unexpected, mysterious even.
Finally finished, this was hard work.
Notice ! Of course, nothing can compare with a personalized horoscope, but the above interpretations are general influences of the Planets for the signs involved. All the aspects can be very obvious to some and less for others. Astrology can’t predict the same thing for everyone who shares a sign but can predict the tendencies which are more likely to occur.
Predictions 2009 - Follow up part I (first 6 signs)
I will split this article in 2 (each with 6 signs) since the second part it’s still not finished.
Home and family: interesting year with many changes at the horizon. There will be 4 eclipses of the Moon this year and for the Aries the moon takes action in their family life and home. So it’s recommended to take more care about their possessions, real estates, any kind of goods and don’t forget their parents.
Love and couples: Venus will give Aries many opportunities and also hard times in this area. So if you are an Aries you will feel many challenges in your love life with unfinished relationships or old ones coming back. Sometimes you can face frustrations and insecure decisions which you may change often. All this is possible between February 3rd and June 6th whit maximum between March 6th – April 17th . So during the last mentioned interval try to not make any important decisions regarding your partner, I mean breaking or starting new relationships.
Your passion and erotic side will challenge you between 24 April – 31 May affecting even all June and less July.
Another small interval of this passionate you will be revealed on the second part of October, but after October 29 you will calm down becoming much serious, could even feel some depression or sadness.
Health: not the best year for your health but don’t worry. Just be more careful between March 15th and April 22nd. Also keep an eye on the second and third decades in January, May and September.
Money and career: Financially you won’t have too many changes, but in career many things can happen, mostly positive ones, your guardians indicate a lot of work but for big goals, all this preoccupation will bring you influential people who can help you and promote you in your progress. Everything about collaborations, power, institutions, politics, popularity, protectors and followers will play a role in your life. Anyway your career and position in society will become more and more important for you, this will be a long cycle until 2023. So use your possibilities in this starting year.
Home and family: in your household are possible changes like renovation or any kind of renewals during January – February and July – August. Not the best relationships with your brother/sisters and neighbors, this could somehow change. If you had some problems with your kids in any way than all this will end or becomes much easier after November.
Love and couples: until June your love life is not the best one, illusions, disillusions, dependencies, renunciation, or just lake of doing anything. Don’t be hurt since June will come in force and brings everything you were missing. June and August will be more common, relaxing maybe, but September puts your sensuality in place. If you are between those who felt a lake of passion and emotions in the last years than you experienced a heavier transit of Saturn which will be over in this October so finally you regain your losses in this area.
Health: first half of 2009 makes you tired and without energy. You just need more rest then usual, you could try to learn some relaxation techniques and focus more on your balance, could be a good period to let go some bad habits. In the second half of 2009 the best thing to do is making some more sport and raise your immunity level, this will prevent some bad aspects from Saturn around October 29.
Money and career: this is your best sector this year, your best hopes could be accomplished now. For those who didn’t find their way in life yet it’s also a great year to do so, their future could be revealed. All you need to profit fully from this year is to make decisions with your head, don’t embrace fanciful goals or sign contracts without clear mind. Rules the general interpretation for this year, meaning play with the law and not against it, work for what you want to achieve and don’t expect miracles. Very promising investments or scams are the only things which can ruin your high career and financial expectancies this year.
Home and family: big responsibilities for you, especially concerning one of your parents, maybe you need to take care of one of them, to solve an apartment or house issue, or to be involved in a long time project like constructing a house.
All this household priorities could interfere with your professional life and feel a little bit overwhelmed. Take it like an advantage, if you focus on being patient and consistent in what you’re doing now it’s the time to create a perfect balance between your family and your profession.
Love and couples: it’s not bad; you have a nice conjunction this year which can amplify your spiritual need or determination to know more about your inner self. This preoccupation will bring you new opportunities you didn’t know about and a special need to share your new knowledge with your partner. You can create a nice balance in your life and could change the way of seeing life in general. Involving your partner in your interests with patients it’s the best way to take advantage of this year. Discovering new possibilities and more things about yourself can be challenging and confusing so the only warning is to let this confusions go away and don’t interfere with your personal life.
Health: nothing special or worth to worry about, so relax. Only take care of your stress level especially during April – August period.
Money and career: are you a blogger ? - could be a good year for you since everything regarding author activities, conceptions of articles, research, study, knowledge, culture, vision and inspiration is the best thing for you to do. Your intellect is the best ally this year and for a typical Gemini it’s a very good thing. If you want to change completely your career though it’s not the best moment now, could be a slight start but with no finalizations and if this happens maybe it’s not in your best interest. So stick to what you’re doing now but applying what you read above.
Travels and relationships with strangers are under good aspects.
Your financial motivational level reaches high expectancies. It’s ok, but since for everyone this year is recommended prudence you can consider yourself among.
First half of this year you are your best friend and it’s good to rely on your own powers because others seems to be inconsistent in their helping actions which could put your goals in jeopardy.
Home and family: your family has different visions about household concerning matters than you have. This can create some dispute and put your plans on hold. Maybe it’s a good idea to sit back and don’t take big decisions this year. Same goes with properties and new investments, better do just small reparations and changes than buying a new property or invest in real estate of any kind. It’s the year of prudence for you regarding home and family.
Love and couples: you’re entering also in a new era until 2023 of personal magnetism and intense relationships. You are willing to jump in passional relationships which can burn your senses, ultimately these could transform in manipulation, jealousy and destruction. Things are changing around you, or the relationships themselves or yourself by them. You could feel frustrated and tense this year so you will keep on searching new things if the old ones seem unworthy for you. Best way to handle this many aspects is to use reason and diplomacy. Try to give yourself moments to be alone and reflect on what is really happening to achieve the most desirable results.
Health: Prudence with your health, don’t push yourself too far. If you know which are your weak points concerning your health than just respect those and don’t try to force. Allow yourself to take more care about your health and treat your body seriously. It’s best to keep your car in best shape during this year and also take your driving seriously. This year it’s not good to take risks.
Career and money: you are ruled more about the money than your name and career aspects. And you know what ? You have many reasons to be like this, since money can come to you more easily this year, directly or through collateral sources. For you changes are welcomed this year (compared to other signs) so you could change your career and even specialization with good success on the way. But like for everyone else avoid scamming or any illegal methods. Also be aware of not so honest business partners who can really put you in jeopardy.
Home and family: until October is unlikely you are too much involved in household projects, your interests are outside. Just between March and April due to some financial changes you could be more involved. Anyway your priorities will change after October 16th when your house and family will take a big part of your life again, all way to June 2010.
Love and couples: great prospects for you here, since January 5th - temptations, possibilities come in your way and make you very effusive. Doesn’t matter if you are alone or not because both situations have good perspectives if you are a leo. For singles this is that time for the big opportunity to find your half. This can come from far or be close to you, doesn’t matter anything is possible. If you are in a couple you will feel how your relationship goes in the right direction, travels or any kind of common activities can bring you 2 even closer. And for those who have a restrictive or bad relationship this year brings the opportunity to set free. So all of you have a winning situation. The only precaution should be taken by those who were born after August 12th. They could be deceived easily.
Health: avoid excesses and risky activities, do more sport and adopt a less vicious lifestyle. The eclipses could cause some problems so best advice to consult a doctor when any kind of symptoms appear.
Career and money: you are in a lucky situation concerning your relationships with other colleagues, partners, new collaborators. You will develop many partnerships, others will see you through an appreciative eye, so you have a winner situation in competitions and arguments. You could sign very profitable contracts as well. Although you will have a tensed environment at work, focus and performance desire will be at the maximum. All this shows good career perspectives but the money issues are more sensitive ones. Loans are higher, money easily come and go, you need to make more efforts to balance your financials so maybe you need to accept some harder jobs. Advice is to not invest and don’t take more credits.
Home and family: good perspectives for you, although many responsibilities on your head you handle it well and easily. Your aunts and uncles are a big help this year and your children’s life is much better. It’s a great year for gardening, household activities like cooking, taking care of pets and any kind of utilitarian work.
Love and couples: like with cancer sign you will have many transformations, discover your passion, sexuality, experiencing more and feed senses. Also it’s possible a reorientation to more spiritual ways. You will evaluate everything about your relationship, about the future next to your partner, your personal freedom. The only stopper will be your fear of new things but your inner self will want something new and fresh. The most intense and overwhelming periods are between January and April, less between August and September. If you will find a new love in 2009 this will be deceiving or hard to handle, but full of experience and passion.
Health: be happy you will have a great year regarding your health and physical condition, much better than the year before. Just don’t do excesses and be careful if you have any kind of illness including the word hyper (ex.: hypertension).
Career and money: your professional life will bring you the biggest satisfactions this year. You are so dedicated with your work in 2009 that you will work efficiently, a lot and with good results. The best part is that you will do it with a lot of pleasure. Also new job or second job offers can appear including promotions. Even the money issues are good for you, extra cash, good investments, bonuses, gifts can come to you especially in the first half of this year. Just take care about what you will do with all this because prudence is indicated to you as well. But, hey you will have a great year.
For the rest 6 signs check back tomorrow.